薪資過低出走海外 青年變「台勞」 - 職場

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2014-02-24T16:10

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澳大利亞 ABC NEWS http://0rz.tw/NqnK1

Backpackers in desperate search for casual work 背包客急尋臨時工作

Farmers across regional Western Australia say they have never seen anything
like it as hundreds of backpackers flock to farm-gates looking for work

The number of backpackers undertaking agricultural work in order to stay
longer in Australia has jumped by more than 25 per cent in a year and it
appears to be linked to the economic downturn in Europe.

While most of the backpackers are English and Irish, the most rapid increases
have been among continental Europeans.

Laura, Ronja and Lisa are from Hamburg in Germany and have been travelling
around Australia for eight months.
Laura, Ronja and Lisa 來自德國漢堡,他們已經在澳洲8個月了。

Like them, hordes of young backpackers work in farms and orchards to help
fund their journey.像他們一樣,很多年輕人在農場和水果園打工賺錢來資助旅程。

There are too many young travellers competing for the limited amount of
casual work. 太多年輕遊客,競爭有限的的臨時工職位

"It's just a sudden influx of backpackers all over Australia
背包客的突然湧入 在全澳洲到處都在發生

We've met a lot of Italian people who say the working situation in their
country is very hard and that's why they want to stay here, or even move here,

"Wages in Australia are some of the highest in the world, I mean our workers
are some of the best paid in the world,"
澳洲的工資 在世界上幾乎是最高的

"So to be able to come to Australia and do pub work or fruit-picking work and
get paid more than what you would do if you could even find a job in Europe,
seems to be the main attraction."

所以即使你能在歐洲找到工作,在澳洲酒吧工作或者摘水果 也比在歐洲賺得多,這似乎

Tags: 職場

All Comments


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2014-02-24T09:59
如題,最近對樓管這工作蠻有興趣的 剛好看到最近104有在徵人 想請問待遇和工作的情況? 如果跟新光比較起來的話差別在? 有人應徵過嗎~ - ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2014-02-23T19:59
剛進入這間公司約一年 看到行事曆上228竟然沒放假atat 悲慘的隔周休(上一三五) 馬上讓老闆偷笑賺到了~ 別人快樂連休三天 結果我們只有一天... 看著外面變成空城計 結果我們還在天天朝八晚八... 可怕的責任制和可悲的被偷走的假日.. 不知不覺就發了文...怨念突然變得好深好深啊T_ ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2014-02-23T18:03
小弟學士畢 工作經驗一年 目前年薪約55 我想給自己定個年薪百萬的目標 想請教年薪破百的各位 花了多久時間破百呢??(科技業除外) -- Sent from my Android - ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2014-02-23T15:49
※ 引述《ase810308 (古嵐索)》之銘言: : 在職場多年了面試經歷不算少,遇過奇奇怪怪的面試主管也多見 : 居然碰到主管在面試時點香菸抽?咪的哩!室內空間耶~拜託! : 這種噁心公司連尊重面試者都沒有,那麼更不敢想在這間公司上班後果 在下也有過類似的經歷,但不是像原PO是不好的印象 當時面 ...

太挑? 失業3年求職堅持40K

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2014-02-23T14:18
Yahoo首頁 新聞標題: 太挑?失業3年求職堅持40K 自由時報 – 2014年2月23日 上午8:40 〔自由時報記者吳為恭/彰化報導〕彰化縣政府勞工處二十二日在縣立體育館舉辦春 節後第一場大型徵才活動,雖然職缺很多,現場也湧進上千人,熱鬧滾滾,但勞工處和廠 商都表示,很多人都「太挑了」,還是 ...